Monday, October 7, 2024

Simple Breakfasts: Avocado Egg Toast

A 5 minute recipe that boasts to be the near-perfect breakfast!

Avocado Egg Toast

Don't you just love avocado toast?  We just love avocados any way we can get them but especially love them on toast.  Today we are going to add a little "oomph" by adding a protein-rich egg.   You'll get more nutrients and stay satisfied longer with this avocado egg combination.  It's a quick meal that you can be happy about waking up to.

Did I mention that this is a 5 minute recipe?  These are perfect for busy weekends and really can be served anytime of day.  We'll jazz up some mashed avocado with a little spice, place that on toasted  sourdough, top it with an egg, and finish it with some scallions and a drizzle of Sriracha.  This is truly a delicious meal! 

Now my husband LOVES sunny side up eggs.  Me? not so much so I would opt for scrambled.  But however you enjoy your eggs it's work with this dish.  Even hard boiled cut into slices would work.  This is all about the combination of flavors and the extra protein you get in every bite.  This is a breakfast winner you'll want to have in your back pocket to up the anti on a quick meal.


What Ingredients do I need?

  • avocado - choose a ripe one
  • egg
  • sourdough bread
  • garlic powder
  • black pepper
  • Sriracha
  • scallions (green onions)

Substitutions and Variations

  • Bread:  Use multigrain or country Italian.  Just make sure the bread is large enough to hold the egg.
  • Eggs:  Try scrambled or over easy eggs.  Even hard boiled (sliced) will work.
  • Garnish:  Try your favorite hot sauce on top such as harissa, Cholula, or a little Calabrian Chili sauce.
  • Add other seasonings:  Skip the hot sauce and sprinkle on a dash of everything bagel seasoning, za'atar, or even herbes de Provence. 

Kitchen Tips and Notes

  • Bread: Choose a thick bread that will hold up to toppings. Try a  multigrain or whole-wheat bread which will add an additional layer of flavor along with fiber to your avocado toast.
  • Avocado:  Use a ripe avocado, one that gives to slight pressure but doesn't feel mushy. Some small blemishes in the flesh are OK; just remove them before mashing.
  • Saving leftover avocado:  You’ll only need 1/4 of an avocado for this recipe, so you’ll need to save the rest. The best way to do this is to leave as much of the remaining avocado intact as possible. That means leaving the skin and pit attached to the remaining piece of avocado before covering it with plastic wrap and refrigerating. Make sure the plastic wrap is directly touching the flesh to prevent exposure to oxygen, and browning.  

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Avocado Egg Toast

1 serving

¼ avocado
¼ teaspoon ground pepper
⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
1 slice sourdough bread, toasted
1 large egg, fried sunny side up
drizzle of Sriracha
1 tablespoon scallion, sliced

Halve an avocado. Cut the one half of the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the peel, placing the flesh in a small bowl. Add in the pepper and garlic powder and mash the avocado and mix with the seasonings.

Add nonstick cooking spray or extra-virgin olive oil to a small nonstick pan. Heat over medium low heat. Once the pan is hot, crack the egg and add it to the skillet. Cook, undisturbed, until the whites are set and the edges are crispy, about 3 minutes. Once it’s ready, move the skillet off the heat.

Place the avocado mash onto the toast, top with the egg, and garnish with the Sriracha and scallion. Serve.

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