Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blueberry Muffins

So I had planned to post a Mardi Gras recipe that I made on Fat Tuesday, but I'm unable to download my pictures right now.

You see, my computer attracted a nasty virus which disabled all my programs. I repeat...all of my programs.

I had to spend all weekend trying to remove the virus and just get the computer back up and in a basic working mode.

So today, when I went to download my's gone...clapooey....drats.
So I'll have to work on that and I'll post that great recipe for Jambalaya in a few days.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy this super yummy breakfast recipe:  Blueberry Muffins.

This is a variation on my Basic Muffin Recipe.  You can find the link to the recipe for the basic muffins here:  Basic Muffin Recipe - Lower Carb version

To the basic recipe you add 1 cup of blueberries, fresh or frozen.  I had some left over from the Blueberry Bread I made last week.

Make sure to add these last, and fold them in to the batter.

Spoon the batter in to a prepared muffin tin.

Bake at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Smell that blueberry aroma?  Heaven....

Serve and enjoy the sweet, plump blueberries!


Next time I'll add in some lemon zest too!

Basic Muffin Recipe – Lower Carbs
Carb serving per muffin net 24.4

Serves 6
Cook time 20-25 min

1 egg
1/2 cup 2% milk
1/4 cup Canola Oil
1 1/2 Cups all purpose flour
1/2 Cup splenda
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
Variation:  Add 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries


Place egg, milk, and oil in a large mixing bowl and whisk together until light.  Add flour, splenda, baking powder, and salt.
Stir until moist.  Don’t overmix…batter should be lumpy and a little thick.  Add blueberries, and fold them in to the batter.

Spray a non-stick muffin pan with cooking spray.  Divide batter amongst 6 muffin cups filling most of the way full.

Bake at 425 degrees for 20-25 min.

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