Friday, March 8, 2019

7 Up Biscuits (small batch)

7 Up Biscuits: On;y 4 ingredients make the hot, tender, buttery biscuits and they're AMAZING!  Slice of Southern


I was digging through my mom's special recipe box the other day and came across an interesting recipe for biscuits.

Who doesn't love biscuits?  I grew up on them so I grabbed the recipe card to see what these were all about.  The title was a little strange...

7 Up Biscuits: On;y 4 ingredients make the hot, tender, buttery biscuits and they're AMAZING!  Slice of Southern


What?  Biscuits that have 7 Up in them?  Now I've heard of using soda in baking but have never heard of 7 Up Biscuits, so I looked them up on the internet and they are e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e!  This recipe has most likely been around for a long time.  I know my mom's recipe card is probably from the 70's.

Now I'm a biscuit lover, so I was very skeptical about these biscuits, but intrigued at the same time. I decided we needed to have a good biscuit to go along with our Spicy Beef and Macaroni Tomato Soup.  There's nothing better with soup that a hot piece of bread and these biscuits were going to get a trial run.  

7 Up Biscuits: On;y 4 ingredients make the hot, tender, buttery biscuits and they're AMAZING!  Slice of Southern

Boy, I have to tell you....these biscuits...these hot, tender, buttery biscuits are AMAZING!  Plus they only have 4 ingredients!  The sour cream makes them tender, but the 7 Up makes them slightly sweet and tangy.  Only 4 ingredients, (I know, repeating myself...) make these quick to pull together and easy to make.

Take is from me, a biscuit aficionado, you NEED this recipe in your life!


7 Up Biscuits (small batch)

2 c Bisquick
1/2 c Sour Cream
1/2 c 7 up soda
1/4 c melted butter

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.  Place the butter in a 9x9 inch square baking pan and place it in the oven to melt while the oven is coming to temperature.

In a large bowl, add Bisquick mix and sour cream.  Cut in sour cream using a pastry cutter.  Add the  7 up and stir, until just combined, to form a soft dough.  (NOTE: humidity may play a part in how dry or wet your dough turns out.  If your dough is too wet please add a little more Bisquick to get it to a better consistency that's easier to handle.  If your dough is too dry trying adding a touch more 7 up to the mixture.)

On a wooden board sprinkled with a little Bisquick, place dough on the board.  Pat dough out without kneading to about 1/2" thickness.  Using a biscuit cutter, cut dough into 9 pieces and place in the buttered pan.

Bake for 12 minutes or until golden brown.  Serve immediately.
    7 Up Biscuits: On;y 4 ingredients make the hot, tender, buttery biscuits and they're AMAZING!  Slice of Southern

    7 Up Biscuits: On;y 4 ingredients make the hot, tender, buttery biscuits and they're AMAZING!  Slice of Southern


    1. I found the dough to be extremely sticky. It was difficult to work with. I had to sprinkle my board with a lot of Bisquick. What did I do wrong?

      1. I'm sorry that yours were so sticky! I'm not sure what happened. I would check you measurements and make sure that you use a liquid measuring cup for the 7 up and not a measuring cup for dry good. The dough is soft but shouldn't be super sticky. If that happens again, add some more Bisquick in to the dough.

      2. My dough was extremely sticky, too. I just added about a half cup of flour. My dough turned out amazing. Its in the oven right now. I added a brushing of butter to the top.

    2. They turned out perfect! I’m not a baker but my husband bought me a kitchen aid mixer as a surprise. So I felt like I had to at least try. After many disappointing tries I found your recipe. I gave it a shot. They were so easy to make that I was very skeptical. But I couldn’t believe how great they turned out! My husband loved them. So thank you!

      1. I'm so happy to hear that you all loved them and they turned out perfect for you! They are really fun biscuits to make. Take care!

      2. My dough was very sticky as well so with the second batch I only used 1/4 cup of 7 up —- perfect. They were delicious.

    3. For some reason mine did not rise very well

      1. So sorry to hear that. Sounds like an issue with the leavening product. Make sure the Bisquick isn't old and to not oversir the mix as the 7 up add some rise as well. Hope you get them to work for you!

    4. I made these biscuits last week and they were SOOOO easy to make and extremely delicious and fluffy. My batter was also very sticky but I popped them in the oven anyway and they came out just fine! Thank you!

      1. Glad you enjoyed them! I'm thinking that humidity might be playing a part in the stickiness of the dough. Adding a little more Bisquick should help with that.

    5. Any gluten free recipes?

      1. I don't typically cook gluten free however I bet if you used Gluten Free Bisquick that these would turn out perfect for you! Let me know how they turn out if you make them.



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