
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fresh Sweet Corn with Lime Butter

There are few things to me that are ‘must haves’ for our annual 4th of July grilling fest.  Burgers and Hot Dogs, Homemade Ice Cream…and Corn on the cob!

Gotta have the corn!  In fact we eat corn all summer long, almost every week, since it grows right here.  One thing I’m known for (especially since I became a food blogger) is that I frequent food markets and farmers markets multiple times a week.  I really try to stick to my once of week shopping but can’t seem to help myself.  I invariably find something I need a few days later and off I go again!

Needless to say the staff at the markets and I are “friendly”.  Even the coffee barrista swap stories often!  She’s such a sweet person to talk to and the stories she can tell…phew!  She has me rolling.

So my local produce guy at this one farmer’s market suggested that I try this wonderfully sweet corn on the cob with a compound butter of lime juice and zest.  Just for a little extra zing!  He encouraged me to prepare the corn any way I liked grilled, sauteed, steamed, or boiled!).  

So I took his suggestion and created the butter, which is now known as “the Limey Butter” in our house.  Cooked up some corn and slathered it on….Wow! Pow! Bam!  He was soooo right.  What a nice zing to the sweet corn.

This is PERFECT for a 4th of July cookout.  This is a staple in our grilling menus.  Try it soon and you too will experience the Wow! Pow! Bam! of this butter.


Fresh Sweet Corn with Lime Butter

serves 8

8 ears of corn, cooked (method is your choice)

For the Butter:

1 1/2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon grated lime rind
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper

  1. Combine butter, rind, juice, salt, and pepper in a small bowl. After corn is cooked immediately brush with butter mixture.

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