
Monday, March 19, 2012

Vanilla Kiwi Smoothie

Do you love kiwis?

The fruit...not the hunky men from New Zealand!  LOL!  Well, if you do I have a great drink for you!  Here's another healthy smoothie using the abundance of kiwis that are in season right now.  I love this fruit!

What's better than blending some tart kiwis with some creamy vanilla yogurt?  Not much...
Kiwis are a little tart so to compensate for that pucker up quality you just add a little sweetener.  You can use sugar, honey (yum! and better for you!), Splenda, or agave syrup.  This smoothie does require a little sweetening otherwise your will definitely pucker up!  It's such a pretty green color too!

Enjoy a refreshing smoothie tomorrow!

Vanilla Kiwi Smoothie

serves 2

1 6 oz container of lite vanilla yogurt
1 small or 1/2 of a medium banana
1/3 c. 2% milk

1 T honey (substitute sugar, Splenda, or agave syrup)
3 kiwis, peeled and sliced
1 cup of ice cubes 

Place all ingredients in a blender.  Blend on high to mix ingredients and crush ice.  Serve.
Makes 2 1 cup servings.


  1. I love kiwi and will be making this soon! Please stop over and share this yummy recipe at Mix it up Monday:

    I hope to see you soon :)

  2. this sounds like a wonderfully refreshing breakfast - love your flavors - kiwi's are a favorite fruit in our house!
    Mary x

  3. Oh, this looks delicious! I haven't had a kiwi fruit in far too long... better remedy that soon!
